Brandon Bray's Contribution to Chaos
Pattern Matching
Pattern Matching
Computer Science 490

Language Details - Grammar

stmt ::= ...
       | foreach (fmla) {stmt+}
       | if (fmla) {stmt+} else {stmt+}
       | cond (fmla) {stmt+}+ else {stmt+}
       | switch (expr) (ptrn:fmla) {stmt+}+ default {stmt+}

dcln ::= ...
       | predicate id(T x1, ..., T xn) [mode]+ {fmla}+
       | predicate T id(T x1, ..., T xn) [mode]+ {fmla}+

ptrn ::= expr
       | T id
       | T
       | *
       | e[ptrn]
       | ptrn binop ptrn

fmla ::= T id
       | fmla && fmla
       | fmla || fmla
       | forall (fmla) {fmla}
       | exists (fmla) {fmla}
       |               // id names a predicate
       | ptrn bincomp ptrn

bincomp ::= == | != | < | <= | > | >=

binop ::= + | - | * | / | %

Language Details - Statement Translations


S  foreach (F) {s} = FMFs


S  if (F) s1 else s2 =
     boolean flag = true;
     FSF{flag=false; s1};
     if (flag) s2;


S  cond (F1) {s1} (F2) {s2} ... default sd =
     boolean flag = true;
     FSF1{flag=false; s1};
     if (flag) { FSF2{flag=false; s2};
                   if (flag)
sd ...}}

Language Details - Mode Determinations


Language Details - Formula Translations

Variable Introduction

FS[T id]s = {T id; s}

FM[T id]s = {T id; s}

Formula Conjunction

FSF1 && F2s = FSF1(FSF2s)

FMF1 && F2s = FMF1(FMF2s)

Notes: We need to create a dependency graph for two reasons:
  1. During type checking, it allows us to determine if formula is even solvable.
  2. Gives us an ordering on the conjuncts for translation.

Given a graph, two resulting errors are possible:

  1. No start state, meaning that not enough values exist to begin solving the formula.
  2. Not all nodes are reachable from the start states, meaning the formula is too complicated.

Ordering of the conjuncts is determined by a modified topological sort on the graph.  Edges in this graph are determined by looking at the modes of each conjunct. A mode has a set of knowns and a set of unknowns.  Any conjunct will have a mode that looks like X ! Y.  An edge in the dependence graph, (F, F') exists if:

  • X' ² Y
  • F: X ! Y
  • F': X' ! Y'
When the mode has an empty set of unknowns (the set on the left of the arrow), this corresponds to a start state in the graph

Formula Disjunction

FSF1 || F2s1s2 = FSF1s1(FSF2s1s2)

The above should be revised to avoid code duplication.

FMF1 || F2s = FMF1s; FMF2s

Notes: It must be the case that the yielded variables of F1 are the same as the yielded variables of F2.

Formula Universal Quantifier

FSforall (F1) {F2}s =
     FSF1 {T v1 = yielding of F1};
     FSF2 {
            boolean flag = true;
FMF1 {if (!F2) {flag=false; break;}}
            if (flag) {s}

FMforall (F1) {F2}s =
     FSF1 {T v1 = yielding of F1};
     FMF2 {
            boolean flag = true;
FMF1 {if (!F2) {flag=false; break;}}
            if (flag) {s}

Formula Existential Quantifier


Predicate Invocation

FSid(p1, ..., pn)s =
     Iterator g = new id$();
     if (g.hasNext()) {
          (x1, ..., xn) =;

FMid(p1, ..., pn)s =
     for (Iterator g=new id$(); g.hasNext(); ) {
          (x1, ..., xn) =;